December 1, 2013

The Fog Horn

The Fog Horn is an app designed for the modern reader, delivering four short stories every month straight to one’s phone from author’s new and old. The idea for the app came to a friend of mine – Quinn Emmett, who’s a writer himself – when he realized that the old literary journal publishing model needed an update. With such ease of access to all the media content we want, why not do the same for short stories?

The Fog Horn operates under the idea that A. busy folks like to read, but have trouble finding the time to do so and B. writers should get fairly compensated for their work. The Fog Horn serves the modern reader by offering high quality, digestible short stories that by nature are with them wherever they go, waiting to be read. It pays $1,000 per story to the writer, a true compensation that’s meant to encourage high quality subscriptions and honor the work that we publish.

The Fog Horn is a team of three: Quinn handles the subscriptions and runs the outfit, illustrator Bryan Flynn handles the artwork, and I handle the design and front end needs of the app. We’re a motley crew, but it’s a good time. Please check out the app and subscribe! Visit the App Website
